September 25, 2011


It's our pleasure to introduce you to the newest addition to our family, Oliver Eno Ayres Bock.

Melanie's pregnancy went five days past the due date. In the last few days before Oliver's birth we anxiously waited and tried to distract ourselves. The day before his birth we went to one of our favorite places, the Como Park Conservatory and Zoo.
last photo of the baby bump at 40 weeks, 4 days
The big day finally came on September 20, 2011. Contractions started the evening of the 19th, which made for a sleepless night. We checked into the hospital around 8:30 am with Melanie already in active labor. She toughed it out through a natural birth and our baby was born at 5:59 pm. It's a boy!
first moments after birth
We spent the first couple hours of our newborn's life holding him and enjoying each other's company. After which he was weighed and measured. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and, was 19" long, and was deemed healthy with Apgar scores of 8 and 9.

all ten fingers
all ten toes
After getting to know him the first days and nights, we were finally able to decide on a name. Oliver seemed just right to both of us.

Here are some of our favorite pictures from the first five days of the life of our beautiful boy. They are in chronological order with the last being taken earlier today.

He's already a great joy to be around and we are looking forward to the times to come.

September 17, 2011

40 weeks

Our official due date was September 15, which has now come and gone. Our midwife appointment yesterday confirmed that, unfortunately, there are no signs that labor is near. To distract ourselves, we tried out a new restaurant in Minneapolis for lunch. We have an ultrasound and another appointment scheduled for next week. Hopefully we'll have the baby before then!  
baby bump at 15 and 40 weeks
We made a baby chain awhile ago for fun to count down to the baby's arrival. Turns out that a baby's arrival is not as predictable as Christmas. So the last link remains until the little one's actual birth day.
the last link
We've been trying to induce labor by trying (almost) everything we've heard/read of, even those that are probably just old wives tales. We went on a long walk last night around our neighborhood.
on a walk at 40 weeks 1 day
The weather was brisk and the leaves are already changing. Fall is here. Hopefully the baby will be here soon too. This waiting thing is hard.
signs of autumn

September 11, 2011

39 weeks

Nothing much new to report this week. The countdown continues. It's weird knowing that any day could be "the day" or just another day.
4 days until the due date...
The baby bump continues to grow which is good for the baby, but it is getting increasingly uncomfortable for me. I've been giving the baby pep talks to encourage him/her, but so far no response. Come on out baby! I coached my last Crossfit class on Thursday, but I'm continuing to exercise. As coaching ends, classes are beginning again at UW River Falls this week so I'm officially "back to school". I'm only teaching one online class this semester which gives me a lot of flexibility that I'm thankful for.

We're not sure how the cats will respond once the baby arrives, but Oscar is already getting to know the little one.
oscar and the bump at 30 weeks
oscar and the bump at 39 weeks

September 7, 2011

38 weeks

baby bump ten days before our due date
We celebrated being 38 weeks pregnant and the ending of summer with a trip to the Minnesota State Fair on Labor Day.
Things we love about this fair:

Food! We had some old favorites (honey lemonade, fried pickles, cheese curds) but also tried some new things this year. The corn fritters and fried green tomatoes were among our favorites!
corn fritters and fried green tomatoes with honey butter
cheese curds!
Baby animals! The Miracle of Birth barn, besides being a little more relevant this year than in previous years, is always amazing. We didn't get to see any animals being born, but we saw many adorable baby animals.

People watching!  

making our way through the crowd

enjoying our last fair as just the two of us