April 30, 2012


Here are a few photos of Oliver this spring. He is full of life and so much fun!
the best smile
tiny feet
Oliver is still working on his crawling and likes to stand and practice walking too.
It's been great to be able to get outdoors - a whole new world for him after the Minnesota winter. Here he is seeing lilacs for the first time. 
He's much better at sitting now and can sit for long periods of time. He loves exploring his environment and especially loves sticks (his play with sticks is of course supervised).
He also loves spoons of all sizes.

April 23, 2012

7 months

Oliver turned 7 months old on Friday, April 20th. In the last month he has grown a lot! He's a pro at rolling, is getting better at sitting, and is starting to scoot himself backwards a little. Clearly childproofing the house is in our near future. 
He's been talking a lot lately too. "g", "p" and "b" sounds have been added to his babbling repertoire. Still no "m" sound which he's going to need to say "mom", but we're working on it. 
playing with Toby
baby feet
We've been enjoying the spring weather and trying to get outside as much as we can. Oliver loves to sit outside and go on walks in our neighborhood.
He's still generally very happy and smiles and laughs a lot. Just yesterday we went to the library and he was smiling at everyone. He was particularly smitten with one guy who was checking out books and as we left the man smiled back at Oliver and said, "What a great smile. You just made my day." Baby smiles are magic.
And lastly, some recent phone pics.
new shoes
preparing for a walk
at the Como Zoo
proud roller
dinner at Punch Pizza
cuddling with Toby
breakfast at Louisiana Cafe
the morning he turned 7 months

For past monthly updates:
6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months
1 month

April 18, 2012

First Park

We've been having such a lovely spring and decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take Oliver to the park near our house for the first time. He loved it! Firsts are awesome.