February 24, 2013

17 months

17-month old Oliver continues to move into toddlerhood, looking more like a little boy and less like a baby every day. I have been really lucky that my workplace has allowed me to have a flexible schedule since Oliver was born. This semester is a little less flexible so that's been an adjustment for all of us. I miss Oli but I know that he is in very capable hands with Chris. Chris sends me photos and videos throughout the day which I love. 
waving bye to me from the front window
as I leave for work
befriending Oscar
This month he also got his first haircut, thanks to Chris.
We've had a long cold, snowy winter this year (hurry up spring!). Oliver says "snow" now and loves playing in it and helping shovel.
This age has been pretty fun, watching him learn new things and become more independent He has been feeding himself with a spoon a little which is messy but cute. He is talking a lot (at least 50 words now!), can stack blocks and do simple puzzles, and has been having fun dancing and playing music with his blocks, xylophones, guitar, and keyboard. 
eating his first macaron
celebrating my birthday with some french pastries
excited about eating a pickle
getting good at stacking blocks
he gives kisses now,
which is pretty much the best
And a look back at one year ago, when he was just 5 months old.

February 12, 2013

Language Development

This month we've seen a huge boom in Oliver's language development. Between his words and signs, his vocab has increased to about 40 words (up from 20 words just three weeks ago!). In the last few weeks he has been saying and/or signing a new word every day! It's so great that he can communicate better and it's really fun to hear him say something for the first time. Here are a few videos, the first from February 4 and the second from February 9.