June 22, 2013


It's summertime and we're embracing it. Green grass, puddles, sunglasses, water fountains, sprinklers, gardening, ice cream, not wearing pants... loving it all!

June 16, 2013

Houseboat trip with the Bocks

At the beginning of June we met up with some of Chris' family for a houseboat trip on the Mississippi. Despite some rainy weather, we had a great time! This was Oliver's first time on a houseboat, first time on the Mississippi, and first time meeting Chris' uncle Brian, aunt Vivian and cousin Jessica since they live in Columbia, South America. Jessi was great with Oli and he had so much fun playing with her. Oliver did really well on the river in general, even wearing his life jacket without much protest and sitting happily on one of our laps when we went out on the little boat. By the end of the trip I think he had learned everyone's name, although at first he was calling his cousin "balloon" and Chris' dad and his two brothers were "the Bruce's". It was really nice to spend time with everyone. Jenny we missed you! Looking forward to next year (in Austin?)!

First, a few of Chris' great photos and then a few photos from my phone: