This month has been a big one for Josie! She went from army crawl to crawling on her hands and knees. She goes from laying down to sitting up and back down again, pulls to stand, cruises and even took a few steps! She's eating a lot more solid food now and will eat almost anything. She really likes fruit (like Oliver) and will also eat veggies (unlike Oliver). We've been enjoying the summer and exploring new parks and wading pools in the Twin Cities. She loves splashing, playing, and walking (with assistance) in the wading pools. She loves the swings too. Her hair is getting really long and when it's humid it gets really curly. I'm curious to see if it will stay curly/wavy when it gets even longer. She has 4 teeth and 4 more are coming in! She and Oli have started interacting together more and it's really cute to see them. She takes a bath in the regular bath tub now instead of her infant tub so they like to splash and play together. She is also really good at playing by herself especially now that she can crawl/cruise. She's just a joy and I'm not ready for her babyhood to end.
And Oliver at 10 months.