August 22, 2014

Josie 10 months

This month has been a big one for Josie! She went from army crawl to crawling on her hands and knees. She goes from laying down to sitting up and back down again, pulls to stand, cruises and even took a few steps! She's eating a lot more solid food now and will eat almost anything. She really likes fruit (like Oliver) and will also eat veggies (unlike Oliver). We've been enjoying the summer and exploring new parks and wading pools in the Twin Cities. She loves splashing, playing, and walking (with assistance) in the wading pools. She loves the swings too. Her hair is getting really long and when it's humid it gets really curly. I'm curious to see if it will stay curly/wavy when it gets even longer. She has 4 teeth and 4 more are coming in! She and Oli have started interacting together more and it's really cute to see them. She takes a bath in the regular bath tub now instead of her infant tub so they like to splash and play together. She is also really good at playing by herself especially now that she can crawl/cruise. She's just a joy and I'm not ready for her babyhood to end.
And Oliver at 10 months.

Summer travel Part 2: Texas

After our visit in Oregon we flew to Austin, TX for a family reunion with some of Chris' family. We were staying at Chris' uncle and aunt's gorgeous house on Lake LBJ about an hour outside of Austin. I'm going to mostly let the photographs speak for themselves. We had an amazing time catching up with family. Chris and I went out on the jet ski one afternoon while the kids were sleeping and we all went boating a couple times. I was worried about how Oli would do with the life jacket and in the boat but he did great and even took a nap on the boat both days we were out! Josie didn't love the life jacket but did pretty well. Oli had a great time exploring the yard and house and especially loved playing with Chris' cousin Jessica. One day he took a 4 hour nap so we let him stay up late. He had his first smores, danced to music in the moonlight and even got to see his first fireworks. On our flight home we had to make an unscheduled landing in Madison due to thunderstorms in the Twin Cities, but the kids did really well. The flight attendant kept remarking on how Josie was the happiest person on the plane. We had such a good time but it felt good to be back. Thanks for the visit and all the great memories Bock family!
Lots more photos follow after the jump.

August 16, 2014

Summer travel Part 1: Oregon

Life has been really busy this summer so this post is late coming. We got back from our trip over a month ago now! In June we took a 2 1/2 week trip to Oregon and Texas to visit family and attend a graduation and a wedding. This post will be about our time in Oregon. It was tiring to travel with two kids but we had such a good time! And this was the first time a lot of our family got to meet Josie for the first time! This was also the first time Josie was on a plane. She did great! She didn't sleep much but was calm and happy for most of the time. Oli was a little hyper in the airports, but did great on the plane with snacks, books, and the iPad. Our first stop was my parents where we spent a week. Oli loved exploring their beautiful yard, picking raspberries and cherries, and playing with his grandparents. One of the highlights was the Oregon coast (as usual)! The weather was surprisingly nice at the beach and we had a great time eating at Mo's and playing in the sand and water.
More photos after the jump.