November 22, 2014

Josie 13 months

Little JoJo, you are such a bright spot in our lives. This month has been fun - lots of walking, exploring, and giggles. You love to bring us books and sit in our lap while we read them. Watching you back yourself onto one of our laps is so cute. You are a great eater (peas are a current fav). You have been talking a lot more this month. Just recently you said and signed "please" and knocked and said "knock knock". You are still waking up pretty early in the morning (although sleeping great until then and still taking two naps). You (and Oli) had a cold this month so that made you a bit irritable and disrupted your sleep a little, but you were a trooper. Also disrupting your sleep was lots of teeth (I have lost count you have so many now). Minnesota has gone from fall to winter in the last month and you have had fun playing in leaves and walking in the snow for the first time. We love you lots! Happy 13 months baby girl!

November 20, 2014

Halloween 2014

We had such a fun Halloween. We got the kids ready and Chris and I threw on some last minute outfits (painter and nerd). We all went out trick-or-treating for about 30 minutes before Josie got tired and cold. I brought her back and Oliver and Chris continued for another hour or so. Once it got dark it was a little too spooky for Oli so they came back and Chris, Oli, and I handed out candy from the front porch for awhile (and ate some candy too of course). Oli has been slowly eating his candy - we let him have 1-2 pieces after a "good" meal - so it lasted a little over 2 weeks. Now on to Thanksgiving!