May 19, 2015

Josie 19 months

This month it really hit me that I won't be saying her age in months for very much longer. With Oli a few months before he turned 2 it was "he's almost 2" or "he'll be 2 in September" so I imagine the same thing will happen with her. It's just a symbol of how big she's getting and how fast it goes.

Jo's days usually start early (between 5:30-6:30 most mornings). Either Chris or I get up with her and have breakfast. Then Oli and the other parent join them around 7:30. Jo likes to get toys out and play with them for a few minutes and then get another toy out. When she gets done at breakfast she always puts her hand out and says "hand" because she wants one of us to hold her hand and go play with her. Her language has been progressing and it's so cool to hear all of the things she says. "More salsa", "I see a bird", "See Oli" are a few cute ones.

We play or go out to do something in the morning. When I'm working Chris often takes them to the library, park, story time, or on an errand. Lunch is usually around 11:30 and Jo eats well. After lunch we read them both stories and Jo naps while Oli has a short quiet time. She naps well, usually 2-3 hours. When they are both up we'll go to the park, take a walk, or play inside. Then we have an early dinner. Chris usually cooks or we'll go out once in awhile. Because Oli is such a picky eater (and they are both rambunctious), it's usually either Punch Pizza and Chipotle. After dinner we play more, have bath time (every other night), and read more stories. We put Jo in her crib by 8. These days we'll often hear her talking to her stuffed animals before she falls asleep.

We love you Jo Jo!
Josie 1 year ago and Oliver at 19 months.

May 18, 2015

May 12, 2015

Mother's Day weekend

Chris has worked every Mother's Day that I've been a mother so far and this year was no different. Although I wish he wasn't working, it meant I had lots of mom time. Although the kids are exhausting at this age, they are also hilarious, fun, and cuddly. When Chris got home we took a walk. We all love being outside so spring is one of the best seasons for that (also the lilacs are blooming right now so it smelled amazing!). I feel really lucky to be a mom to these kids. They challenge me, make me laugh, and amaze me every day. Love you both.

May 10, 2015


We have another drummer in the family
Posing in the lilacs

May 9, 2015


We're all about the parks these days. Spring is the best.