July 31, 2015


An eventful week! We all went to Madison to visit Shell and fam and Chris took Oli on his first camping trip (they met up with Bruce and Jenny). Summers are the best.

July 18, 2015

Josie 21 months

21 months already! Soon we won't be saying her age in months anymore. It goes so fast! This month I've been really emotional about her getting older. I miss having a baby even though I love watching her (and Oli) develop. Her language continues to develop and I love to hear the cute things she says "Mama, carry me", "Hi Daddy!" (everytime she sees Chris after not seeing him - even for a minute), "Outside...shoes... stroller" (when she wants to go outside), "1, 2, 3, 4, 8,  9, 10... Good job" (congratulating herself on counting even though she's missed several numbers). 

We visited Chris' family in Des Moines and my family in Madison in the last month and I've noticed her stranger anxiety is definitely declining. She loved played with her grandma Cathy at the hotel pool and her auntie Shell at the park (underdogs!). 

This month has brought some struggles too as she is exerting her independence. There has been a fair share of crying and irrational behavior. Gotta love toddlers!

She is still an early riser, though (knock on wood) I think that might be improving a little (6 o'clock is much better than 5!). She still takes an afternoon nap - usually 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours these days. We lay her down in her crib (or the pack n' play for nap time) and she falls asleep on her own, usually with little to no crying. I'm really thankful she sleeps as well as she does.

She and Oli continue to develop their relationship and it's fun to see them play together. They occasionally fight over the same toy, but in general get along well together. They like to bounce on their giant balls together and say "look at me!", and "naked babies" is still a favorite game where they run around the house naked. This month they have also been asking to splash in the "big puddle" whenever it rains. Jo will go to one side and say, "Ready, set, go" and then run through. So cute!  
her smile makes us all smile
exploring a sculpture in Des Moines
playing at Como Park
Loads more photos follow.