Dear JoJo,
Oh my sweet girl, you are still my little baby and yet growing into a little kid at the same time now. When I ask you if you're still my baby you say no. You call yourself a little kid and Oli a big kid. You can say so much these days and talk in complete sentences. You love books, puzzles, coloring, and playing with Oli. You have so much energy and light and make us smile and laugh daily. You eat really well which we are really thankful for. After the sleep situation seemed to be getting worse (lots of crying before bedtimes and early mornings), we decided a few weeks ago to try taking your nap away again. So far it's tough to tell for sure, but things have seemed to improved. No crying at bedtime and many nights you even fall asleep during story time. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this trend will stick, but realize things change so quickly. And of course that is true for everything. I'm trying to savor every moment and every day of your 2-year-old self. You definitely have your moments (screaming, yelling, etc.), but overall are a really happy and easy-going kid. I could not love you more. You make me a proud and happy mama.
xoxo, Mom
Lots more photos to follow.