2 1/2 already?! I'll probably be saying that years from now, but really, it goes so fast. JoJo is a full-fledged toddler - becoming more independent and more opinionated every day. Sleep is going pretty well (no naps on most days). We sing her to sleep in your crib at night and usually she's asleep after 3-4 songs. "You are my sunshine", "Favorite things", and "Rainbow connection" are in the usual rotation. Some mornings she's up early, but that's slowly getting better. We're planning to move her into Oli's room one of these days, but haven't taken the plunge yet because their sleep schedules are a little different. We've been working on potty training and it's slow-going but she's doing well. She eats like a champ and I'm so grateful for that (especially with another kid who is super picky). She's energetic, smart, and funny. She likes drawing and can draw a few letters, shapes, and simple faces. Everything she says these days is cute. I need to start documenting it better. The other day when I was eating a brownie she helped make she said, "Mom you're so happy. They're (the brownies) so delicious for ya." Her singing and dancing is also adorable. She is affectionate and gives us all hugs and kisses. She has the softest skin. We love you so much little one! xoxo