September 16, 2016

September Apple Picking

We had some schedule changes today and ended up taking an impromptu trip to Afton Apple Orchard. We ate apple donuts, the kids played on the playground, and we picked (and ate) raspberries and apples. This year the kids were super into the playground and so we actually spent the majority of our time there. They have a giant stack of tires and tons of other unique playground equipment. Chris and I got some rare time to sit and chat with each other while they played. Raspberry picking was next. Oli and Jo both ate their fair share and Oli actually picked a bunch of raspberries this year. Almost an entire container! Lastly we picked some delicious Zestar and Cortland apples. Fun afternoon!
More photos...

September 3, 2016


photo cred for the photo of Jo goes to my sister (who was nice enough to take some photos for us while we were celebrating our anniversary)
