July 11, 2012

First trip to Edinburgh

We went to Edinburgh for the first time yesterday. We took a bus (a double decker!) which took about 45 minutes each way. Oliver did great on the way, just taking in all of the new sights, and fell asleep on the bus ride back. We decided that our first day of exploring Edinburgh we'd see Edinburgh Castle, Princes Street Gardens, wander along the Royal Mile, and get dinner. We only explored the castle a bit. We decided not to pay to go in, but we may go back and do that another time. There were bleachers set up outside the castle for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo which is happening soon. The Royal Mile was cobblestone, had lots of really cool old buildings, but was also pretty touristy.
riding our first double decker bus to Edinburgh
Edinburgh Castle
Chris & Oli at Princes Street Gardens

flower clock in Princes Street Gardens

coffee and a scone at Cafe Musa 
Oli playing at Cafe Musa
goofy phone booth pic
the organ at St Giles Cathedral

For dinner we went to Henderson's, a vegetarian restaurant in Edinburgh. Our favorites were a butternut squash salad and dessert, a slice of cherry pie. We had a good time in the city, but there is certainly much more exploring still to do!
cherry pie with creme fraiche at Henderson's
sleeping on the bus
on the way back to Dalkeith

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