Dear Oliver,
At two years old, you are awesome! Full of energy, inquisitive, funny, smart, sensitive, cute, and affectionate. You are talking so much now and it has been so fun to hear what you're thinking. You repeat a lot of things we say but recently have started saying complete sentences you came up with on your own ("I want to stay", "I need more bubbles"). You love playing with your dad. Favorites include jumping on the bed ("jump dad!") and having Chris skip while he holds you. It is so cute to see you with your hair flying and a huge smile or giggle. You also love reading stories and your dad and I take turns reading to you every day before nap and bedtime.
You've started singing in the last month or so. Your favorites right now are the Yo Gabba Gabba cd's we have, which you request every time we get in the car. You have a lot of the songs memorized and will sing along - so cute! You also like the songs from your swimming class along with some kids songs we sing at home (Ring Around the Rosie's, Abc song, etc.).
Of course this age doesn't come without its' challenges. You're experiencing a lot of emotions and still learning how to manage them all so you have moments of flailing on the floor or in our arms or throwing food or utensils at the table. Your communication skills are really good but there are still times that we can't understand you and that makes you pretty frustrated. We try to be patient with you, but there are times when we are all emotional. In ways we are learning right along with you!
I go into your room every night after you've fallen asleep to check on you. Sometimes you've fallen asleep on top of some books so I'll move those, other times I want to cover you up with your blanket, put my hand on your chest or back to feel your breathing, or just watch you while you sleep. So cute and peaceful.
I can't wait to see how you respond to the new baby. I hope you will have a blast growing up with your little sister or brother. I'm sure there will be ups and downs, but your dad and I love having siblings and are hoping you will love your new sib too. I'm nervous about having to split my time between you and the new baby, but I hope you always know I love you. These first few years with just you, me, and your dad have been so special.
I'm also excited to see how you change and what stays the same as you get older. It's been so amazing to watch you grow up so far Oli. Although sometimes I want to hold you close and hope that you stay my little guy forever, I also can't wait for you to learn new things and have new experiences. One of my favorite things is watching you do, see, or try something new. You make me so proud and happy and I love being your mom!
I love you with all my heart,
p.s. Here are a few of my favorite photos of the two of us from your first two years. xoxo