I did
one of these posts about 2 years ago when Oliver was about the same age as Josie is now. These day-to-day things are so easy to forget and so I wanted to do another one. This one is a day in the life with two kids (ages 4 1/2 months and 2 1/2 years), complete with blurry iPhone pics. This was a Saturday (yesterday) when Chris was at work. The first weekend Chris went back to work Josie was about 6 weeks old and I was struggling to figure out how to take care of two kids by myself. But now, a few months later, it's much more manageable. It's still tiring but we're finding a bit of a rhythm which is nice.
Josie has been waking up really early lately, between 5-6. Today was no different. She was up at 5:30. She nursed and then Chris took her for awhile since he was up getting ready for work. He left for work at 6:45 and Oli was up shortly after that.
hanging out with me in the bathroom while I shower |
The three of us read stories for awhile and then Josie went down for her first nap around 7:30. While Josie was napping Oliver and I had breakfast, played and danced to music, and played pretend. Click below for more.