March 31, 2014

Josie's Firsts: First Park & Swing

Spring in Minnesota means there is still a lot of snow on the ground, but on Sunday the temps hit close to 60 so we put the kids in the double stroller and walked to the park. This was Josie's first time at the park and in the swing. She's still a little wobbly so we didn't push her too high, but she loved it! I truly love seeing my kids experience things for the first time. It's one of my favorite things about parenting.

Josie's first swing from Melanie Ayres on Vimeo.

And Oli's first park!

March 26, 2014

Josie 5 months

5 months already?! Her development this month was pretty similar to last month with no big changes. She continues to be a big baby and I especially love her chubby thighs. She is wearing 6-9 month clothing now. She has been rolling a little more and sleeping a little less this month. We got her her own high chair and although she's still exclusively breast fed, she can sit in it pretty well to play with toys. She's usually happy and she's smiling and laughing more. She likes to be carried facing out in the Bjorn carrier (just like her brother did). It's been especially fun to see her interacting with Oli, her trying to make him laugh or vice versa. We just got home from our spring "break" trip to Kansas City and Austin and overall she did really well. Her first really long road trip! She wasn't a fan of the car but as long as I sat in the backseat, she did well. She got to meet a lot of family and friends for the first time on our trip which was great. I've been busy with work but trying to really enjoy her babyhood as I know from Oli that it goes so quickly. Love you Jo!

And a look back at when Oliver turned 5 months.

March 3, 2014

Oli says

Oli is so cute and funny these days. I love to hear the things that come out of his mouth. Here are a few recent ones. 

"Dad goes to work. And mommy goes to work too. And I go to... Costco!"

Oli: "Carry you (meaning me) mommy." Me: "Where do you want me to carry you? Oli: "Into my arms my beamish boy."

Oli: "I have a question mommy." Me: "yes Oli?" Oli: "I love sandwiches!"

"Mom, you have beautiful eyes... And I have beautiful dinosaurs on my Jammies. Orange ones, blue ones..." 

Ah, I love this kid. 

March 2, 2014

A day in the life (with two kids)

I did one of these posts about 2 years ago when Oliver was about the same age as Josie is now. These day-to-day things are so easy to forget and so I wanted to do another one. This one is a day in the life with two kids (ages 4 1/2 months and 2 1/2 years), complete with blurry iPhone pics. This was a Saturday (yesterday) when Chris was at work. The first weekend Chris went back to work Josie was about 6 weeks old and I was struggling to figure out how to take care of two kids by myself. But now, a few months later, it's much more manageable. It's still tiring but we're finding a bit of a rhythm which is nice.

Josie has been waking up really early lately, between 5-6. Today was no different. She was up at 5:30. She nursed and then Chris took her for awhile since he was up getting ready for work. He left for work at 6:45 and Oli was up shortly after that.
hanging out with me in the bathroom while I shower
The three of us read stories for awhile and then Josie went down for her first nap around 7:30. While Josie was napping Oliver and I had breakfast, played and danced to music, and played pretend. Click below for more.