September 30, 2013

Week 39

One week (or so) to go... Oliver was 5 days late, so I'm not discounting that this baby may arrive post-due date as well. We'll see! The last month I feel like I have gone from XL to XXL. I've had some of the annoying side effects (e.g., reflux, swollen feet), but they aren't consistent and they didn't start nearly as early as they did with Oliver, so I'm pretty happy about that. Physical activity is getting more challenging. I'm still doing Crossfit 1-2 times a week, but with lots of modifications. I'm also trying to enjoy the fall weather and take a walk as many days as I can. Of course I'm getting in my share of sitting with my feet up too! My appetite has increased along with my belly (no surprise there) and Chris has been indulging me with late-night runs to Trader Joes for "must have" snacks like artichoke dip or maple cookies. We've washed baby clothes, bought a co-sleeper off of Craigslist, put the carseat in the car, and packed the hospital bag. We're ready and excited to finally meet this little one (who thus far has been called "#2"). Any day now!


  1. LOL trips to Trader Joes'.....yes those maple leaf cookies,I will not buy!!
    Awesome my fav cookie there.
